Monthly Archives: February 2015

My Year at CASBS
L. Alan Sroufe, Class of 1984-85

I was fortunate to spend the 1984-1985 year at the center. I was just 43 years old and at a very important point in my career. At Minnesota we had started one of the most ambitious longitudinal studies of development

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Serendipity at CASBS in 1971-72 That Stimulated a Career Change
Frederick L. Newman, Class of 1971-72

I was five years beyond graduating with a Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology) and was in awe of being one of the Fellows at the Center, interacting with psychologists I held in very high regard (Lee Cronbach, Gardner Lindsey, Henry Riecken, Roger

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My Year at CASBS
Daniel C. Dennett, Class of 1979-80

My year at CASBS was 1979-80, as a member of the group assembled by Stanford Professor John McCarthy, founding father of Artificial Intelligence (and coiner of the term), to spend the year working on Artificial Intelligence and philosophy. That year

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My Year at CASBS
Martin H. Krieger, Class of 1973-74

During my year at the Center I read a great deal in a variety of fields, outside my training as a physicist or my work in city planning. Moreover, I learned a lot from the anthropologists and historians of science,

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Firebombing at CASBS
Melvin Small, Class of 1969-70

I would like to add my ruminations to Amelie Oksenberg Rorty’s and Kamala Visweswaran’s informative and sensitive comments about the 1970 fire at the Center. I have written a few paragraphs about it in books on the anti-Vietnam War movement

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