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John R. Walsh, Class of 1979-80

(At a farewell dinner for fellows at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences) After optional work and compulsory lunch Comes the hour of the Center’s volley-ball bunch. Not all of us young, some a little effete, But

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The First IBM PCs
Lois Bloom, Class of 1982-83

A sunny day in Fall 1982, at lunch on the terrace, Kenji Hakuta shared the news that the IBM Personal Computer, introduced the previous year, was finally going on sale and he was on his way to buy one. I

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Robert Darnton, Class of 1973-74

When I arrived at the Center in 1973 after a cross-country marathon in a VW with my wife and two small children,  I was determined to write a monograph about Diderot’s ENCYCLOPEDIE and the role of books in the French

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The Center Changed My Life
Richard A. Easterlin, Class of 1970-71

The economics of happiness is now a burgeoning subject in economics.  It all began at the Center when, over lunch one day, casual mention was made of happiness questions that had occasionally been asked in public opinion surveys.  It struck

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